


DongGuan Zhenzhi Metal&Plastic Products Co. Ltd
Add:No. 1, 2nd Beiyuan Road, Lianhu Village, Tangxia Town, Dongguan, Guangdong Provice
Contact: Mr. Hong
Company phone:0769-87929401
Company fax:0769-87929400
Company post code:523712

mailbox:[email protected]

Industry information

Interpretation of export status of plastic products in China in the past two months

The first 5 months of this year, China's plastics exports to maintain growth. In this regard, the industry said that this is mainly due to the introduction of the national "stable foreign trade" policy on China's foreign trade export has played a catalytic role. In addition, Europe and the United States economy is continuing to recover, labor-intensive products in China have greater demand, but also to improve the export of plastic products in China is an important reason. In October 2014, China's primary shape exports 1 million 960 thousand tons of plastic products, an increase of 220 thousand tons compared with the previous month, an increase of 14.14%; 1-10 months of plastic imports totaled 21 million 160 thousand tons, an increase of 5.7%. In October, China Imported 300 thousand tons of natural and synthetic rubber, compared with last year. In 1-10, China's natural and synthetic rubber imports totaled 3 million 350 thousand tons, an increase of 7.8% compared with the same period. Customs Department latest data show that in October 2014, China exported 810 thousand tons of plastic products, an increase of 10 thousand tons last month, an increase of 5.26%; 1-10 months exports of plastic products 7 million 830 thousand tons, an increase of 6.6%. The latest in November 2014 China's exports of plastic products of the General Administration of customs data show that in November 2014 China's exports of plastic products 820 thousand tons, up 10 thousand tons, an increase of 2.5%; 1-11 month plastic products in total exports of 8 million 660 thousand tons, an increase of 6.2%. In November 2014 China's primary plastics imports 1 million 950 thousand tons, down 10 thousand tons, down 13.33%, 1-11 months of primary shape plastic total imports of 23 million 110 thousand tons, an increase of 3.8%.11 month of China's natural and synthetic rubber imports 330 thousand tons, down 17.5%; 1-11 month of China's natural and synthetic rubber total imports of 3 million 680 thousand tons, year-on-year an increase of 4.8%.